the quality of journalism of local newspapers declines and their readership
falls through the floor in recent years a new phenomenon has appeared with the
rise of the internet ; the local blogger.
It is now a rare occurrence for any
professional journalist to be sitting in the gallery of a Council meeting and
their place has been taken by the amateur and often obsessive “blogger”
Up and down the country individuals who have a
particular axe to grind or have failed to be actually be elected to their local
Council sit for hours listening to tedious committee meetings and then
composing blogs which often have little relationship to the proceedings they
have just witnessed.
The problem with bloggers in local government
is that unlike the local press who still have to abide by the rules of the soon
to be defunct Press Complaints Commission (although many local journalists
openly flout it)
In Barnet we are particularly blessed with
bloggers with a number writing several times a day about Barnet Council matters
(is the Council really that interesting?). A number have taken to doing it
anonymously by adopting silly names which in my view is rather on a par with
sending poison pen letters or as Mike Freer put it “the one handed bloggers”.
The signs of obsessive behaviour are clear to see, one blogger has viewed this
blog over 200 times in less than a week. More worryingly as they become more and
more obsessive their conspiracy theories become wilder and wilder and their
grasp of reality becomes more tenuous. I did have a very good laugh earlier in
the year when one blogger suggested that those of us involved in the organising
of the borough’s celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee were part of some
sort of “Masonic” conspiracy, for the record I am not a freemason. I do have to
admit that there are several blog stories that have appeared that I know to be
complete fiction from start to finish because I deliberately fed a pack of lies
to either a Council officer or indeed a Councillor whom I suspected of leaking
to the bloggers and sure enough the stories appeared.
Their attempts to personalise local politics (where
to some extent the local newspapers have followed suit) has lead them to begin
to indulge in bizarre activities. Councillors and senior professional officers
of the Council have been followed, a black van has been reported suspiciously
parked outside Councillors homes, officers of the Council have had their
private residences photographed, and one female Council officer had her mobile
phone number published, my 88 year old Mother was attacked in the street and
one Council officer had to take their house off the market after inappropriate
enquiries from bloggers. Additionally there have been repeated acts of
criminal damage on Conservative Party premises in the borough. Many Councillors
of all parties no longer disclose their private addresses in order to protect
their families. In short bloggers rather than attempt to keep the wider community
informed and involved, something all Councillors would welcome, have attempted
to instigate a regime of intimidation just because they happen to politically
disagree with the current Council administration. This is not unique to Barnet
with the distinguished Leader of Kensington
and Chelsea Council Sir Merrick Cockell amongst others regularly being
regularly the victim of appalling personal abuse.
Additionally as a lazy way of filling their blog
they submit dozens and dozens of Freedom of Information requests on spurious
matter which they then reveal as shocking exclusives on their blogs. Of course
this is also a tactic employed by the Taxpayers Alliance which regularly
reveals “shock horror” that Local Government spends money! In Barnet the
hundreds of thousands of pounds spent dealing with FOI requests could have kept
Friern Barnet Library open. Just a thought!
I am not worried about blogs that genuinely
debate matters of political interest and indeed there are several that cover
Barnet affairs from a socialist point of view with which I fundamentally
disagree but I enjoy reading. Furthermore the Secretary of State for
Communities and Local Government Eric Pickles’ idea about recruiting “armchair
auditors“ is a positive move to enhance the power of the Internet and make local
government more accountable. In Barnet some bloggers who think they act as the
servant of the voters have actually developed bigger egos than us Councillors;
the difference is they don’t have a democratic mandate to back it up and get
highly offended if anyone criticises them. They can dish it out but they cannot
take it.
One gets the feeling that some bloggers have
fixated on Barnet Council and its’ officers and members in preference to
obsessing over David Beckham or Simon Cowell.
My message to some bloggers, “Get a Life!“
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